About Us

English, being the medium of instruction and also the associate-official language, emerged as the first subject to be taught in this institution and consequently the Department of English got established in the year 2019, the same year as the establishment of the college itself. 
“English is the global lingua-franca” which provides communicative competence and gives a general ability to use language accurately, appropriately and flexibly; hence the college takes great pride in inducting English as a compulsory subject in undergraduate level. The Department of English has been providing the students with the medium of competing with the rest of the world. The department has produced good results and has contributed a lot in the personality development of students. It has enabled them to participate in various literary activities. The department is treasured with innumerable books which endow the students with valuable information. The department admits undergraduates for three-year degree course. It aims at providing instructions in carrying out research in both traditional and frontier areas of English studies. It is a very popular subject with a high rate of result. English programmes represent three important perspectives on the study of language and text – Rhetoric investigates the principles and practices underlying effective communication from the codex books to the modern website. Literary and Cultural studies examine the history, value and meaning of texts in their cultural and historical settings. Creative writing emphasizes the artistry in the construction of poetry, fiction, essays, non-fiction and screenplays. And the Department of English endeavours to guide our students in all the programmes offered by the department.

Vision & Mission:

The department of English has the mission to impart quality education based on academic knowledge and expertise to produce graduates and post-graduates possessing required skills and proficiency to make their place in the professional environment. Our English programme has two perspectives – the compulsory course in General English aims to develop the communication skills and fluency in listening, speaking, reading and writing to enable the students capable of further studies in their respective disciplines and to meet the career demands. The second course is in English literature. The study of literature as a major subject helps to equip students with the knowledge of literary texts, their historical backgrounds and skills them with close critical analysis in order to study, appreciate and above all enjoy literature.